Cool-ass leakz by bigtom1994!!!



You might know the Funsters franchise and the entire brand itself, and you might also know the weird glitches surrounding the website, and the games itself. There's actually a hidden reason behund all of this, which Highrange NEVER wants you to know. These are only CONSPIRACIES though, not all of them are true... or are they? Highrange has hidden a lot of stuff from us, based on their history, they're pretty freaky. You can skip to chapter 5 for the Funsters part.

Chapter 1: The Afterlife Incident

NOTE: This is only an urban legend. Don't believe all of this.

Legends tell the story actually begins in the late 1920s when a group of campers (22 of them) were preparing a ritualistic mass suicide to reach to the "afterlife". One of them had to sacrifice themselves to see if it worked. The soul still felt pain from the sacrifice, but it found to have the ability to possess any object (aminism), and transferred a message through a typewriter. After the sacrfice, The campers went insane, developing a much worser mental state, they murdered eachother, and 16 of them are alive. (legends also tell that an demonic entity is the reason for all of this)

Chapter 2: Project ROD

NOTE: You may have heard rumors of this, and you may have seen it on TV. This is the full story of it WITHOUT any fake information, no theories.

2 years after the TAI, Highrange was accused of harvesting dead bodies for soul research. They were however, but this was for a project called ROD (Revival of The Dead),
which was supposedly a spiritual reanimation project (no zombies).

Former logo for Highrange, 1969-1985

Now before you ask what it has to do with TAI, the dead bodies were also involved in this, being harvested and decomposed into digital media (with NO info on how that works), highrange is kinda fucked up.Their first test was on a man called "Alexander" (no last name found), as known as "Patient A".

Shortly after the test, many Highrange employees went missing, with some survivors (if it wasn't clear that they were dead...probaly) claiming a somewhat supernatural entity taking place. but they were found to have ingested mass amounts of Eyltrax™, a mental health treatment drug known to contribute to severe hallucinations. (though they claimed to have taken it after the "incident"...) The news began to take widespread notice as the news was leaked on a broadcast instrusion.
Note: No footage is availible on the internet. Consumer videotape recorders were availible, but video recordings were scarce at the time.

Chapter 3: Post-ROD

After Project ROD, a Parasitic Mutation Breach (PMB) occurred outside the Highrange research facility. Living organisms (or animals) were contracted with highly radioactive material and mutate into parasitic, rotted, entity-like predators that attacks what ever it spots. Since then, there was a missing people crisis. (that's still happening... be careful O_O) Over 258 cases in 1976 were reported on the same location. Only 10 people were found. 8 were found dead, the other 2, simply wounded. The 2 patients that suffered the attack also contracted an abnormal bacterical reaction, (HNS obviously) Long story short (if you read the extra chapter), Everyone suffered an attack that collapsed the hosptial.

Under Construction

This is for a special project, so expect more at